Regents of the University of California v. Bakke
438 U.S. 265 (1978)


YES! Justices BRENNAN, WHITE, MARSHALL and BLACKMUN in standard type, from their CONCURRING OPINION: Title VI was motivated primarily by a desire to eradicate a very specific evil: federal financial support of programs which disadvantaged Negroes by excluding or segregating them. It is inconceivable that Congress intended to encourage voluntary efforts to eliminate the evil of racial discrimination while at the same time forbidding the voluntary use of race-conscious remedies to cure acknowledged or obvious statutory violations. Yet a reading of Title VI as prohibiting any action based on race would prevent such action even when necessary to bring federally supported programs into compliance with constitutional requirements.

NO! Interspersed REBUTTAL by CURTIS CRAWFORD, in italic type: These Justices rewrite the statute, ignoring not only its language but the moral principle it embodies. No doubt, racial discrimination against blacks was viewed as the central problem. Absent this concern, there might have been no civil rights legislation. Nevertheless, the rights to nondiscrimination recognized in Title VI (and elsewhere in the 1964 Civil Rights Act) apply to other bases of discrimination as well as race and to all persons equally, regardless of their demographic group. The immediate effect of permitting racial preference for minorities as "a remedy for societal discrimination" is to undermine the ban on racial discrimination against whites. The larger consequence is to undermine the ban on racial discrimination, no matter whom it targets.

Justices Brennan, White, Marshall and Blackmun


[Page 328]
The threshold question we must decide is whether Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 bars recipients of federal funds from giving preferential consideration to disadvantaged members of racial minorities as part of a program designed to enable such individuals to surmount the obstacles imposed by racial discrimination. (7)
. . . .


Justice Brennan's Footnote 7 contains Section 601, the substantive provision of Title VI, which I here insert for the reader's convenience: "No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."

§ 601 clearly prohibits "recipients of federal funds" from engaging in "racial discrimination." There is no exception, allowing "preferential consideration" for "disadvantaged members of racial minorities."

The University of California Medical School at Davis acknowledged that it received federal funds and that its academic standards for the admission of applicants of color were substantially below its standards for whites. White applicants were thus "excluded from participation" in the Medical School "on the ground of race," in plain violation of § 601. Justice Brennan is among the 1978 Court's ablest. Will he deny the obvious, or does he know something we do not?

In our view, *Title VI prohibits only those uses of racial criteria that would violate the Fourteenth Amendment if employed by a State or its agencies; it does not bar the preferential treatment of racial minorities as a means of remedying past societal discrimination to the extent that such action is consistent with the Fourteenth Amendment.* **The legislative history of Title VI, administrative regulations interpreting the statute, subsequent congressional and executive action, and the prior decisions of this Court compel this conclusion.** None of these sources lends support to the proposition that Congress intended to bar all race-conscious efforts to extend the benefits of federally financed programs to minorities who have been historically excluded from the full benefits of American life.


* This statement implies the view that the ban in Title VI on racial discrimination in favor of minorities is much weaker than the ban on racial discrimination in favor of whites.

** Note that these four heads of argument do not include any examination of § 601. If other sections of Title VI, or other titles of the Civil Rights Act, contradicted or rendered doubtful the ban in § 601, evidence from the legislative history might resolve the conflict. When, as in this case, the statute unambiguously prohibits the conduct at issue, it is unnecessary and inappropriate to look beyond it.

The "legislative history" will be discussed in Part A, "administrative regulations" and "subsequent congressional and executive action" in Part B, and "prior decisions of this Court" in Part C.


The history of Title VI—from *President Kennedy's request that Congress grant executive departments and agencies [329] authority to cut off federal funds to programs that discriminate against Negroes* through final enactment of legislation incorporating his proposals—reveals **one fixed purpose: to give the Executive Branch of Government clear authority to terminate federal funding of private programs that use race as a means of disadvantaging minorities in a manner that would be prohibited by the Constitution if engaged in by government.**


* This statement misrepresents President Kennedy's language by using a partial truth to hide a more complete truth. The prohibition Kennedy sought concerned all racial discrimination, not merely discrimination "against Negroes." Here are his words, as quoted in Brennan's Footnote 9: "Simple justice requires that public funds, to which all taxpayers of all races contribute, not be spent in any fashion which encourages, entrenches, subsidizes or results in racial discrimination." [Emphasis added.] Nowhere does Brennan cite, nor could he find, any statement by Kennedy restricting the ban on discrimination to anti-black discrimination.

** This summary of the purpose of Title VI repeats the same kind of misrepresentation. In effect, it would insert after "person" in § 601 the phrase, "of color": "No person [of color] in the United States shall . . . be subjected to discrimination under any program . . . receiving Federal financial assistance."

This purpose was first expressed in President Kennedy's June 19, 1963, message to Congress proposing the legislation that subsequently became the Civil Rights Act of 1964. (9) [330] Representative Celler, the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, and the floor manager of the legislation in the House, introduced Title VI in words unequivocally expressing the intent to provide the Federal Government with the means of assuring that its funds were not used to subsidize racial discrimination inconsistent with the standards imposed by the Fourteenth and Fifth Amendments upon state and federal action.

"The bill would offer assurance that hospitals financed by Federal money would not deny adequate care to Negroes. It would prevent abuse of food distribution programs whereby Negroes have been known to be denied food surplus supplies when white persons were given such food. *It would assure Negroes the benefits now accorded only white students in programs of high[er] education financed by Federal funds. It would, in short, assure the existing right to equal treatment in the enjoyment of Federal funds.* It would not destroy any rights of private property or freedom of association." 110 Cong. Rec. 1519 (1964).

 * According to Rep. Celler, the statute would assure "equal treatment" for blacks and whites. Equal treatment for blacks and whites is different from and contrary to preferential treatment for blacks or whites. Count this quotation as evidence against Brennan's thesis.

It was clear to Representative Celler that Title VI, apart from the fact that it reached all federally funded activities even in the absence of sufficient state or federal control to invoke the Fourteenth or Fifth Amendments, was not placing new substantive limitations upon the use of racial criteria, but rather was designed to extend to such activities "the existing right to equal treatment" enjoyed by Negroes under those Amendments, and he later specifically defined the purpose of Title VI in this way:

"In general, it seems rather anomalous that the Federal Government should aid and abet discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin by granting money [331] and other kinds of financial aid. It seems rather shocking, moreover, that while we have on the one hand *the 14th amendment, which is supposed to do away with discrimination since it provides for equal protection of the laws,* on the other hand, we have the Federal Government aiding and abetting those who persist in practicing racial discrimination. It is for these reasons that we bring forth title VI. The enactment of title VI will serve to override specific provisions of law which contemplate Federal assistance to racially segregated institutions." Id., at 2467.

 * This passage indicates that, in Rep. Celler's view, the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment categorically bars racial discrimination. This view was pervasive in 1964, although the Court later moved to qualify the prohibition.

Representative Celler also filed a memorandum setting forth the legal basis for the enactment of Title VI which reiterated the theme of his oral remarks: "In exercising its authority to fix the terms on which Federal funds will be disbursed . . . , Congress clearly has power to legislate so as to insure that the Federal Government does not become involved in a violation of the Constitution." Id., at 1528.

Other sponsors of the legislation agreed with Representative Celler that the function of Title VI was to end the Federal Government's complicity in conduct, particularly the segregation or exclusion of Negroes, inconsistent with the standards to be found in the antidiscrimination provisions of the Constitution. Representative Lindsay, also a member of the Judiciary Committee, candidly acknowledged, in the course of explaining why Title VI was necessary, that it did not create any new standard of equal treatment beyond that contained in the Constitution:

"Both the Federal Government and the States are under *constitutional mandates not to discriminate.* Many have raised the question as to whether legislation is required at all. Does not the Executive already have the power in the distribution of Federal funds to apply those conditions which will enable the Federal Government itself to live up to the mandate of the Constitution and to require [332] States and local government entities to live up to the Constitution, most especially the 5th and 14th amendments?" Id., at 2467.

 * This testimony does not support Brennan's thesis. As far as we can tell from the quotation, Rep. Lindsay views both the "constitutional mandates not to discriminate" and the prohibition in § 601 as categorical. The testimony that Brennan needs would be congressional opinions not only that (1) this law prohibits only what the Constitution prohibits, but also that (2) the Constitution does not prohibit racial discrimination that favors minorities who are disadvantaged.

He then explained that legislation was needed to authorize the termination of funding by the Executive Branch because existing legislation seemed to contemplate the expenditure of funds to support racially segregated institutions. Ibid. The views of Representatives Celler and Lindsay concerning the purpose and function of Title VI were shared by other sponsors and proponents of the legislation in the House. (10) *Nowhere is there any suggestion that Title VI was intended to terminate federal funding for any reason other than consideration of race or national origin by the recipient institution in a manner inconsistent with the standards incorporated in the Constitution.*


* Justice Brennan ignores the powerful moral premise underlying the Congress' prohibition of racial and ethnic discrimination in Title VI and throughout the Act. Supporters of the legislation were delighted that (as they thought) the Supreme Court had declared such discrimination unconstitutional, but the foundation of their demand was wider and deeper. I call some witnesses from the congressional debate:

Rep. Matsunaga (HA): "America is a land where people from every nation in the world have come to find personal freedom and opportunity. American society can be true to itself, therefore, only as rights are accorded to every person because he is a person. . . Any discrimination based on race, color, religion, and national origin directly contradicts such an idea of rights. It tends to destroy the integrity of the American way of life." 110 Congressional Record 2766.

Sen. Humphrey (MN): [after quoting § 601] "That is as clear as the Declaration of Independence." Ibid., 5254.

Pres. Kennedy, from a message to Congress, 6/19/63, quoted by Sen. Humphrey: "Simple justice requires that public funds, to which all taxpayers of all races contribute, not be spent in any fashion which encourages, entrenches, subsidizes, or results in racial discrimination." Ibid., 6543.

Pres. Eisenhower, from a press conference, 3/19/53, quoted by Sen. Kuchel (CA): "I will say this—I repeat it. I have said it again and again: Wherever Federal funds are expended for anything, I do not see how any American can justify—legally, logically or morally—a discrimination in the expenditure of those funds . . . All are taxed to provide those funds. If there is any benefit to be derived from them, I think they must all share, regardless of such inconsequential factors as race and religion." Ibid, 6561.

Republican Campaign Platform, 1960, quoted by Sen. Kuchel: "This nation was created to give expression, validity, and purposes to our spiritual heritage—the supreme worth of the individual. In such a nation—a nation dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal—racial discrimination has no place." Ibid, 6564.

Sen. Pastore (RI): "Title VI is sound; it is morally right; it is legally right; it is constitutionally right." Ibid., 7055.

Sen. Ribicoff (CN): "I would be glad to yield at this point to any opponent of this bill who cares to contend that discrimination in federally aided programs is justified. I have heard no such argument nor do I expect to . . ." Ibid., 7064 (April 7)

Sen. Allott (CO): [after quoting Sen. Ribicoff's April 7 challenge] "No one, during the weeks this bill has been debated, has made any attempt to justify racial discrimination in the use of Federal funds. No one could. It is too obviously right and necessary . . . Racial discrimination is morally offensive. It has no place in our society." Ibid., 12675, 12677 (June 4)

The Senate's consideration of Title VI reveals an identical understanding concerning the purpose and scope of the legislation. Senator Humphrey, the Senate floor manager, opened the Senate debate with a section-by-section analysis of the Civil Rights Act in which he succinctly stated the purpose of Title VI:

*"The purpose of title VI is to make sure that funds of the United States are not used to support racial discrimination.* In many instances the practices of segregation or discrimination, which title VI seeks to end, are unconstitutional. This is clearly so wherever Federal funds go to a State agency which engages in racial discrimination. It may also be so where Federal funds go to support private, segregated institutions, under the decision in Simkins v. Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital, 323 F.2d 959 (C. A. 4, 1963), [cert. denied, 376 U.S. 938 (1964)]. **In all cases, such discrimination is contrary to national policy, and to the moral sense of the Nation. Thus, title VI is simply [333] designed to insure that Federal funds are spent in accordance with the Constitution and the moral sense of the Nation." Id., at 6544.**


* Compare this description by Sen. Humphrey of "the purpose of Title VI" with Justice Brennan's description: "to give the Executive Branch of Government clear authority to terminate federal funding of private programs that use race as a means of disadvantaging minorities in a manner that would be prohibited by the Constitution if engaged in by government." [supra, at 329]

** For Sen. Humphrey, as for the other witnesses just heard, racial discrimination is condemned not only by the Constitution but also by "the moral sense of the Nation." In contrast, we have Justice Brennan's view that preferential admission for minority applicants to universities is permitted, sometimes required, by the Constitution and by his own moral sense. But Brennan's view of the Constitution in 1978 does not jibe with Congress' view of the Constitution in 1964, or with "the moral sense of the Nation," then or later. The view that did meet both these criteria when § 601 was enacted was a flat ban on racial discrimination in "any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."

Senator Humphrey, in words echoing statements in the House, explained that legislation was needed to accomplish this objective because it was necessary to eliminate uncertainty concerning the power of federal agencies to terminate financial assistance to programs engaging in racial discrimination in the face of various federal statutes which appeared to authorize grants to racially segregated institutions. Ibid. Although Senator Humphrey realized that Title VI reached conduct which, because of insufficient governmental action, might be beyond the reach of the Constitution, *it was clear to him that the substantive standard imposed by the statute was that of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments.*

 * I agree that Sen. Humphrey's statements make no distinction between the nature of the ban on racial discrimination in the Constitution (as he understands it) and in Title VI. However, I repeat that nothing in these statements suggests that Humphrey saw the constitutional ban as permitting racial discrimination against whites when this would help minorities.

Senate supporters of Title VI repeatedly expressed agreement with Senator Humphrey's description of the legislation as providing the explicit authority and obligation to apply the standards of the Constitution to all recipients of federal funds. Senator Ribicoff described the limited function of Title VI: "Basically, there is a constitutional restriction against discrimination in the use of Federal funds; and title VI simply spells out the procedure to be used in enforcing that restriction." Id., at 13333.

Other strong proponents of the legislation in the Senate repeatedly expressed their intent to assure that federal funds would only be spent in accordance with constitutional standards. See remarks of Senator Pastore, id., at 7057, 7062; Senator Clark, id., at 5243; Senator Allott, id., at 12675, 12677. (11) [334]

Respondent's contention that Congress intended Title VI to bar affirmative-action programs designed to enable minorities disadvantaged by the effects of discrimination to participate in federally financed programs is also refuted by an examination of the type of conduct which Congress thought it was prohibiting by means of Title VI. The debates reveal that the legislation was motivated primarily by a desire to eradicate a very specific evil: federal financial support of programs which disadvantaged Negroes by excluding them from participation or providing them with separate facilities. Again and again supporters of Title VI emphasized that the purpose of the statute was to end segregation in federally funded activities and to end other discriminatory uses of race disadvantaging Negroes. Senator Humphrey set the theme in his speech presenting Title VI to the Senate:

"Large sums of money are contributed by the United States each year for the construction, operation, and maintenance of segregated schools. . . . .

" Similarly, under the Hill-Burton Act, Federal grants are made to hospitals which admit whites only or Negroes only. . . .

"In higher education also, a substantial part of the Federal grants to colleges, medical schools and so forth, in the South is still going to segregated institutions. [335] Nor is this all. In several States, agricultural extension services, supported by Federal funds, maintain racially segregated offices for Negroes and whites. . . .

". . . Vocational training courses, supported with Federal funds, are given in segregated schools and institutions and often limit Negroes to training in less skilled occupations. In particular localities it is reported that Negroes have been cut off from relief rolls, or denied surplus agricultural commodities, or otherwise deprived of the benefit of federally assisted programs, in retaliation for their participation in voter registration drives, sit-in demonstrations and the like." Id., at 6543-6544.

See also the remarks of Senator Pastore (id., at 7054-7055); Senator Ribicoff (id., at 7064-7065); Senator Clark (id., at 5243, 9086); Senator Javits (id., at 6050, 7102). (12)

 Justice Brennan is right that racial discrimination against blacks was viewed as the central problem. Indeed, it can be argued that without the national concern for the severity of anti-black discrimination there would have been no civil rights legislation. Nevertheless, the rights to nondiscrimination recognized in Title VI (and elsewhere in the Act) apply to bases of discrimination other than race and to all persons equally, regardless of their demographic group. If Congress had wished to confine the protection against discrimination to blacks, or to racial minorities, it could easily have so specified.

The conclusion to be drawn from the foregoing is clear. Congress recognized that Negroes, in some cases with congressional acquiescence, were being discriminated against in the administration of programs and denied the full benefits of activities receiving federal financial support. It was aware that there were many federally funded programs and institutions which discriminated against minorities in a manner inconsistent with the standards of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments but whose activities might not involve sufficient state or federal action so as to be in violation of these Amendments. Moreover, Congress believed that it was questionable whether the Executive Branch possessed legal authority to terminate the funding of activities on the ground that they discriminated racially against Negroes in a manner violative of the standards contained in the Fourteenth and Fifth [336] Amendments. Congress' solution was to end the Government's complicity in *constitutionally forbidden racial discrimination* by providing the Executive Branch with the authority and the obligation to terminate its financial support of any activity which employed racial criteria in a manner condemned by the Constitution.


* Justice Brennan has just indicated the wording of his version of § 601. Filled out, it would affirm that "No person in the United States shall be subjected to any constitutionally forbidden racial discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."

Compare to the original: "No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."

The original version specifies the forbidden conduct. Was the person "excluded from participation," "denied . . . benefits," or "subjected to discrimination," based on "race, color, or national origin"? People who wish to obey the law can understand the meaning of these phrases and act accordingly.

The Brennan revision leaves the forbidden conduct unspecified. The Constitution as written contains no mention of racial discrimination. The Constitution as interpreted forbids racial discrimination to an uncertain, disputed extent. If the Brennan version of § 601 replaces the original version, people who wish to obey the law often will not know what the law is. The courts, ultimately the Supreme Court, will have to decide, according to the majority prevailing at the time.

Of course, *it might be argued that the Congress which enacted Title VI understood the Constitution to require strict racial neutrality or color blindness, and then enshrined that concept as a rule of statutory law.* Later interpretation and clarification of the Constitution to permit remedial use of race would then not dislodge Title VI's prohibition of race-conscious action. But there are three compelling reasons to reject such a hypothesis.


* Exactly! The proponents of Title VI "understood the Constitution to require strict racial neutrality or color blindness" in the use of federal funds, and they "enshrined that concept as a rule of statutory law."

In proof of which I call Sen. Pastore, Democratic floor leader for Title VI: "It will guarantee that the money collected by colorblind tax collectors will be distributed by Federal and State administrators who are equally colorblind. . . As the first Mr. Justice Harlan said in his prophetic dissenting opinion in Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 US 537, 559, 'Our Constitution is colorblind.' So—I say to Senators—must be our Government." 110 Congressional Record 7055, 7064. [Emphasis added.]

And Sen. Allott, Republican floor leader for Title VI: "It is too obviously right and necessary that funds to which all citizens contribute, regardless of color, should be spent so as to benefit all citizens, regardless of color. Those who distribute Federal funds must be just as colorblind as those who collect them." Ibid., 12675. [Emphasis added.] The Democratic and Republican leaders are both singing from the same score, loudly enough (one would think) to be heard down the block at the Supreme Court. Other supporters of Title VI repeated the claim of colorblindness, and none contradicted it.

First, no decision of this Court has ever adopted the proposition that the Constitution must be colorblind. See infra, at 355-356.


True. The most famous decisions on race that preceded the Civil Rights Act of 1964 were Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 U.S. 537 (1896), permitting segregated state facilities for blacks and whites, and Brown v. Board of Education (Brown I), 347 U.S. 483 (1954), banning de jure racial segregation in public schools. In the former, separate treatment based on race was constitutional, provided that the separate facilities were equal; the dissent's view that the Constitution is colorblind was rejected. In the latter, racially segregated education was condemned as "inherently unequal," with no mention of colorblindness.

However, both these decisions were in line with cases reaching back to the 1880's, holding state-sponsored "racial discrimination," defined as unequal treatment based on race, to be unconstitutional. Moreover, Brown's implementation decision (Brown v. Board of Education (Brown II), 349 U.S. 294 (1955), together with a series of per curiam decisions striking down de jure segregation in municipal recreational facilities and transportation, indicated that "racial discrimination," meaning different treatment based on race, was also unconstitutional. The Court had not used the word, "colorblind," but a constitutional rule against different as well as unequal treatment, based on race, was colorblind enough to be reasonably understood as such. Although this understanding later turned out to be mistaken, it prevailed in 1964. Had any participants in the congressional debate denied that the Constitution is colorblind, Justice Brennan would presumably have cited them.

Second, even if it could be argued in 1964 that the Constitution might conceivably require color blindness, *Congress surely would not have chosen to codify such a view unless the Constitution clearly required it.* **The legislative history of Title VI, as well as the statute itself, reveals a desire to induce voluntary compliance with the requirement of nondiscriminatory treatment.(13) See § 602 of the Act, 42 U. S. C. § 2000d-1 (no funds shall be terminated unless and until it has been "determined that compliance cannot be secured by voluntary means"); H. R. Rep. No. 914, 88th Cong., 1st Sess., pt. 1, p. 25 (1963); 110 Cong. Rec. 13700 (1964) (Sen. Pastore); id., at 6546 (Sen. Humphrey). It is inconceivable that Congress intended to encourage voluntary efforts to eliminate the evil of racial discrimination while at the same time forbidding the voluntary use of race-conscious remedies to cure acknowledged or obvious statutory violations. Yet a reading of Title VI as prohibiting all action predicated upon race which adversely [337] affects any individual would require recipients guilty of discrimination to await the imposition of such remedies by the Executive Branch. Indeed, such an interpretation of Title VI would prevent recipients of federal funds from taking race into account even when necessary to bring their programs into compliance with federal constitutional requirements.**


* As the passages already quoted from the debate testify, Congress did choose "to codify such a view," believing that not only the Constitution but also the moral sense of the nation "clearly required it."

** Presumably, "voluntary compliance with the requirement of nondiscriminatory treatment" means voluntarily ceasing to discriminate. In order to stop discriminating, does one need authority to discriminate? One does need to know whether racial discrimination is going on in one's institution, but that knowledge is not barred by § 601.

This would be a remarkable reading of a statute designed to eliminate constitutional violations, *especially in light of judicial decisions holding that under certain circumstances the remedial use of racial criteria is not only permissible but is constitutionally required to eradicate constitutional violations. For example, in Board of Education v. Swann, 402 U.S. 43 (1971), the Court held that a statute forbidding the assignment of students on the basis of race was unconstitutional because it would hinder the implementation of remedies necessary to accomplish the desegregation of a school system:* "Just as the race of students must be considered in determining whether a constitutional violation has occurred, so also must race be considered in formulating a remedy." Id., at 46.


* Congress in 1964 was not deliberating in the "light of judicial decisions holding that under certain circumstances the remedial use of racial criteria is not only permissible but is constitutionally required to eradicate constitutional violations." These decisions came later. Notice the date of the case cited by Justice Brennan. It was not until 1971 that the Court found that the Constitution required the use of racial criteria to end unlawfully segregated education. If the Court did not know this before 1971, how should the Congress be expected to know it in 1964?

When the Civil Rights Act was under consideration, the Court's orders concerning racial segregation were still those of Brown II, 349 U.S. 294. The Court declared "the fundamental principle that racial discrimination in public education is unconstitutional . . . All provisions of federal, state, or local law requiring or permitting such discrimination must yield to this principle." [Page 299, emphasis added.] As one means of desegregation, the Court suggested "revision of school districts and attendance areas into compact units to achieve a system of determining admission to the public schools on a nonracial basis." [Page 301, emphasis added.] Nowhere did it intimate that racial discrimination was constitutionally permissible, let alone required, as a remedy for racial segregation.

Fully consistent with these orders were the provisions concerning desegregation of public education in the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title IV, § 401 (b) defined the key term: "'Desegregation' means the assignment of students to public schools and within such schools without regard to their race, color, religion, or national origin, but 'desegregation' shall not mean the assignment of students to public schools in order to overcome racial imbalance." [Emphasis added.]

In 1968, four years after passage of the Act, the Court added an important element to its understanding of desegregation: unlawfully segregated schools must be disestablished, producing "a system without a 'white' school and a 'Negro' school, but just schools." Green v. County School Board, 391 U.S. 430, 442. In this case, the School Board, after procrastinating for a decade, had adopted a "free choice" policy for students, which barred racial discrimination in admissions to its two schools. As a result, 15% of the black pupils were now attending the previously white school, but no whites were enrolled in the black school. In this situation, the Court held nondiscriminatory admissions an insufficient remedy, and suggested additional measures: restricting each school to half the county, or making one school responsible for grades 1-6, the other for grades 7-12. Since residential patterns in the county were not segregated, either of these measures might have achieved the Court's goal without resorting to racial discrimination. The use of race-based measures as remedies for segregation was not discussed.

A year later, the Court took its first step towards assignments based on race as a means of desegregation. United States v. Montgomery County Board of Education et al., 395 U.S. 225 (1969), affirmed a lower court's order that the Board must move gradually toward a goal whereby the ratio of white to black faculty members in each school would be substantially the same as the ratio throughout the system. Without saying so, the ruling implies that, to achieve the goal, assignment on the basis of race is permissible. This in turn would imply that the Constitution permits racial discrimination as a remedy for racial segregation. There was no statement that the Constitution requires racial discrimination.

Finally, in two 1971 cases, the Court arrived at the constitutional position that Justice Brennan invokes. Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenberg Board of Education, 402 U.S. 1 (1971), affirmed a lower court order that pupil assignments should aim at a 71% : 29% white/black ratio in the various schools and grade levels. [page 23] Board of Education v. Swann, 402 U.S. 43 (1971), confronted a State law providing that "No student shall be assigned or compelled to attend any school on account of race, creed, color or national origin, or for the purpose of creating a balance or ratio of race, religion or national origins." The Court declared this statute unconstitutional: "To forbid, at this stage, all assignments made on the basis of race would deprive school authorities of the one tool absolutely essential to fulfillment of their constitutional obligation to eliminate existing dual school systems." [page 46]

Surely *Congress did not intend to prohibit the use of racial criteria when constitutionally required* or to terminate the funding of any entity which implemented such a remedy. It clearly desired to encourage all remedies, including the use of race, necessary to eliminate racial discrimination in violation of the Constitution rather than requiring the recipient to await a judicial adjudication of unconstitutionality and the judicial imposition of a racially oriented remedy.


* As an abstract proposition, no doubt "Congress did not intend to prohibit the use of racial criteria," if there were circumstances in which it was "constitutionally required." But nowhere do the language of Title VI and the speeches of its supporters suggest the belief that such circumstances exist and need to be provided for.

Justice Brennan's thesis, that Congress in 1964 could not have believed that racial discrimination was categorically barred by the Constitution, is easily refuted. However, later Court decisions did show that the belief was mistaken. Though ordinarily banned by the Constitution, racial discrimination was held to be not only permitted but required when necessary to dismantle dejure segregated schools. In such cases, this exception would prevail over the antidiscrimination rule in the Constitution, as well as in Federal or State law. If the Medical School at Davis were a de jure segregated school, desegregating itself by racial preference in admissions, the constitutional exception would override the flat prohibition of racial discrimination in Title VI.

Third, the legislative history shows that Congress specifically eschewed any static definition of discrimination in favor of broad language that could be shaped by experience, administrative necessity, and evolving judicial doctrine. Although it is clear from the debates that the supporters of Title VI intended to ban uses of race prohibited by the Constitution and, more specifically, the maintenance of [338] segregated facilities, *they never precisely defined the term "discrimination," or what constituted an exclusion from participation or a denial of benefits on the ground of race.* This failure was not lost upon its opponents. Senator Ervin complained:

 "The word 'discrimination,' as used in this reference, has no contextual explanation whatever, other than the provision that the discrimination 'is to be against' individuals participating in or benefiting from federally assisted programs and activities on the ground specified. With this context, the discrimination condemned by this reference occurs only when an individual is treated unequally or unfairly because of his race, color, religion, or national origin. What constitutes unequal or unfair treatment? Section 601 and section 602 of title VI do not say. They leave the determination of that question to the executive department or agencies administering each program, without any guideline whatever to point out what is the congressional intent." 110 Cong. Rec. 5612 (1964).

See also remarks of Representative Abernethy (id., at 1619); Representative Dowdy (id., at 1632); Senator Talmadge (id., at 5251); Senator Sparkman (id., at 6052). Despite these criticisms, *the legislation's supporters refused to include in the statute or even provide in debate a more explicit definition of what Title VI prohibited.*


* Justice Brennan is correct that the terms, "excluded from participation," "denied the benefits of," and "subjected to discrimination," as used in Title VI are not explicitly defined in the statute. I cannot agree, and he does not show, that the first two phrases require definition: they seem as clear as any words that might be found to define them. However, "discrimination" is ambiguous. In common usage it may mean (a) different treatment, though equal or (b) unequal treatment or (c) different or unequal treatment that is considered unfair.

When legislation fails to define an important, ambiguous term, a judge's first obligation, in interpreting the law, is to see whether the term's meaning is operationally determined by its usage in the statute. If the statute provides no answer, he can turn to the legislative history. With Title VI, the answer is clearly definition (a). Not (c), since the two examples of unequal treatment specified in § 601 are prohibited, whether people consider them fair or not. Not (b), since everyone in the debate assumes that § 601 bars racially segregated programs, even when they provide equal facilities for blacks and whites. Accordingly, when using the term, "racial discrimination," in this rebuttal, I have meant different treatment based on race.

Justice Brennan's statement that supporters never defined "discrimination" during the debate is simply untrue. At page 5423 of the Congressional Record, Volume 110, I cite Senator Humphrey: "[T]he meaning of racial or religious discrimination is perfectly clear. . . . [I]t means a distinction in treatment given to different individuals because of their different race, religion, or national origin." At page 7213, from a memorandum by Senators Clark and Case: "To discriminate is to make a distinction, to make a difference in treatment or favor . . . " At page 7477, from the Bipartisan Civil Rights Newsletter: "There is no sound basis for uncertainty about the meaning of discrimination in the context of the civil rights bill. It means a distinction in treatment given to different individuals because of their different race, religion, or national origin."

The explanation for this failure is clear. Specific definitions were undesirable, in the views of the legislation's principal backers, because Title VI's standard was that of the Constitution and one that could and should be administratively and judicially applied. See remarks of Senator Humphrey (id., at 5253, 6553); Senator Ribicoff (id., at 7057, 13333); Senator Pastore (id., at 7057); Senator Javits (id., at 5606-5607, 6050). (14)

Indeed, there was a strong emphasis throughout [339] Congress' consideration of Title VI on providing the Executive Branch with considerable flexibility in interpreting and applying the prohibition against racial discrimination. Attorney General Robert Kennedy testified that regulations had not been written into the legislation itself because the rules and regulations defining discrimination might differ from one program to another so that the term would assume different meanings in different contexts.(15) This determination to preserve flexibility in the administration of Title VI was shared by the legislation's supporters. When Senator Johnston offered an amendment that would have expressly authorized federal grantees to take race into account in placing children in adoptive and foster homes, Senator Pastore opposed the amendment, which was ultimately defeated by a 56-29 vote, on the ground that federal administrators could be trusted to act reasonably and that there was no danger that they would prohibit the use of racial criteria under such circumstances. Id., at 13695.

Congress' resolve not to incorporate a static definition of discrimination into Title VI is not surprising. In 1963 and 1964, when Title VI was drafted and debated, the courts had only recently applied the Equal Protection Clause to strike down public racial discrimination in America, and the scope of that Clause's nondiscrimination principle was in a state of flux and rapid evolution. Many questions, such as whether the Fourteenth Amendment barred only de jure discrimination or in at least some circumstances reached de facto discrimination, had not yet received an authoritative judicial resolution. The congressional debate reflects an awareness of the [340] evolutionary change that constitutional law in the area of racial discrimination was undergoing in 1964.(16)

In sum, Congress' equating of Title VI's prohibition with the commands of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments, its refusal precisely to define that racial discrimination which it intended to prohibit, and its expectation that the statute would be administered in a flexible manner, compel the conclusion that Congress intended the meaning of the statute's prohibition to evolve with the interpretation of the commands of the Constitution. Thus, any claim that the use of racial criteria is barred by the plain language of the statute must fail in light of the remedial purpose of Title VI and its legislative history. The cryptic nature of the language employed in Title VI merely reflects Congress' concern with the then-prevalent use of racial standards as a means of excluding or disadvantaging Negroes and its determination to prohibit absolutely such discrimination. We have recently held that "'[when] aid to construction of the meaning of words, as used in the statute, is available, there certainly can be no "rule of law" which forbids its use, however clear the words may appear on "superficial examination."'" Train v. Colorado Public Interest Research Group, 426 U.S. 1, 10 (1976), quoting United States v. American Trucking Assns., 310 U.S. 534, 543-544 (1940). This is especially so when, as is the case here, *the literal application of what is believed to be the plain language of the statute, assuming that it is so plain, would lead to results in direct conflict with Congress' unequivocally expressed legislative purpose.* (17). [341]


* § 601 provides that "No person . . . shall, on the ground of race . . . be excluded from participation in . . . any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance." The "literal application" of "the plain language of the statute" would prohibit any university that receives Federal funds from admitting some students "on the ground of race" if others were thereby excluded. This application of the statute is wholly consistent with the language of the Act and with "Congress' unequivocally expressed legislative purpose": a ban on racial discrimination by recipients of federal funds.

The only conflict that has been demonstrated is between a statutory prohibition of racial discrimination by recipients of federal funds and a constitutional requirement of racial discrimination when necessary to end de jure racial segregation. In such a conflict, the Constitution would of course overrule the statute.

Justice Brennan's argument raises another possible difference between the statute and the Constitution: that the former might forbid what the latter permits. This would be the case if the statute forbids racial discrimination, while the Constitution permits it when helpful to minorities who are disadvantaged. Brennan contends that no such difference exists, that the statute forbids only what the Constitution forbids. However, he has failed to prove this contention, either by the language of the statute or by its legislative history. I counter that the statute categorically forbids racial discrimination by recipients of federal funds, including whatever portion of such discrimination is held forbidden by the Constitution and whatever portion is not.

This difference between statute and Constitution is no conflict. There would be a conflict if a statute tried to permit what the Constitution forbids, or to forbid what the Constitution requires. But there is no conflict when a statute forbids what the Constitution permits. Thus, were the Court to decide that the Constitution permits recipients of federal funds to discriminate against persons of some races but not others, Congress would remain free to reach farther, as it did in § 601, forbidding racial discrimination against persons of all races.


*Section 602 of Title VI, 42 U. S. C. § 2000d-1, instructs federal agencies to promulgate regulations interpreting Title [342] VI. These regulations, which, under the terms of the statute, require Presidential approval, are entitled to considerable deference in construing Title VI.* See, e. g., Lau v. Nichols, 414 U.S. 563 (1974); Mourning v. Family Publications Service, Inc., 411 U.S. 356, 369 (1973); Red Lion Broadcasting Co. v. FCC, 395 U.S. 367, 381 (1969). Consequently, it is most significant that the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW), which provides much of the federal assistance to institutions of higher education, has adopted regulations requiring affirmative measures designed to enable racial minorities which have been previously discriminated against by a federally funded institution or program to overcome the effects of such actions and authorizing the voluntary undertaking of affirmative-action programs by federally funded institutions that have not been guilty of prior discrimination in order to overcome the effects of conditions which have adversely affected the degree of participation by persons of a particular race.

 * § 602 provides that, "Each Federal department and agency which is empowered to extend Federal financial assistance to any program or activity . . . is authorized and directed to effectuate the provisions of § 601 with respect to such program or activity by issuing rules, regulations or orders of general applicability . . . " Note that the rules to be issued are supposed to implement "the provisions of § 601" (which by this time the reader doubtless knows by heart). Nothing in § 602 authorizes any department or agency to change these provisions.

Title 45 CFR § 80.3 (b)(6)(i) (1977) provides: "In administering a program regarding which the recipient has previously discriminated against persons on the ground of race, color, or national origin, *the recipient must take affirmative action to overcome the effects of prior discrimination."*

 * The requirement of "affirmative action" is not defined here, but if it involves racial preference or racial discrimination, it changes the provisions of § 601, and is therefore unauthorized.

Title 45 CFR § 80.5 (i) (1977) elaborates upon this requirement: "In some situations, *even though past discriminatory practices attributable to a recipient or applicant have been abandoned,* the consequences of such practices continue to impede the full availability of a benefit. If the efforts required of the applicant or recipient under § 80.6 (d), to provide information as to the availability of the program or activity and the rights of beneficiaries under this regulation, have failed to overcome these consequences, **it will become necessary under the requirement stated in (i) of § 80.3 (b)(6) for such applicant or recipient to take additional steps to make the benefits [344] fully available to racial and nationality groups previously subject to discrimination.** This action might take the form, for example, of special arrangements for obtaining referrals or making selections which will insure that groups previously subjected to discrimination are adequately served."

 * If the "past discriminatory practices" of the recipient "have been abandoned," there is nothing in the Swann cases, and certainly nothing in Title VI, that would justify this requirement. ** If the requirement of "additional steps" involves exclusion from participation, denial of benefits or any other difference in treatment based on race or ethnicity, it changes the provisions of § 601, and is therefore unauthorized.

*These regulations clearly establish that where there is a need to overcome the effects of past racially discriminatory or exclusionary practices engaged in by a federally funded institution, race-conscious action is not only permitted but required to accomplish the remedial objectives of Title VI.* (18) Of course, there is no evidence that the Medical School has been guilty of past discrimination and consequently these regulations would not compel it to employ a program of preferential admissions in behalf of racial minorities. It would be difficult to explain from the language of Title VI, however, much less from its legislative history, why the statute compels race-conscious remedies where a recipient institution has engaged in past discrimination but prohibits such remedial action where racial minorities, as a result of the effects of past discrimination imposed by entities other than the recipient, are excluded from the benefits of federally funded programs. HEW was fully aware of the incongruous nature of such an interpretation of Title VI.


* "These regulations," being unauthorized, could not establish the conclusion that Justice Brennan asserts. What they do establish is that the regulators misunderstood or disregarded the law they were charged to implement. The consequences are especially grave, because the statute's enforcement depends on the regulators.

Title VI does not specify any right to sue for the person who is discriminated against in violation of its terms. The means of enforcement provided is the authority of those who disburse federal funds to terminate them. If these officials have decided—the law to the contrary notwithstanding—that racial discrimination favoring minorities in programs and activities receiving Federal funds is permissible, there would be no governmental insistence that such discrimination cease, or termination of funds if it did not. In practice, this would make the protection of white persons from discrimination under this law feeble or nonexistent.

According to the amicus briefs from supporters of the racial preferences defended in Bakke, such preferences have existed in university admissions since the late 1960s. But no one reports any federal action to cut off funds because of racial discrimination against whites. Rather than proof that § 601 does not mean what it says, the HEW regulations should be cited as evidence of departmental abuse of authority and dereliction of duty. HEW has attempted radically to revise the prohibitions of § 601 and has failed to enforce them against recipients of federal funds who discriminate against whites. The Court should be correcting this behavior, not colluding in it.

Concerning the regulations cited in the two paragraphs below, the same objections—lack of authority and dereliction of duty—also apply.

Title 45 CFR § 80.3 (b)(6)(ii) (1977) provides: "Even in the absence of such prior discrimination, a recipient in administering a program may take affirmative action to overcome the effects of conditions which resulted [345] in limiting participation by persons of a particular race, color, or national origin."

An explanatory regulation explicitly states that the affirmative action which § 80.3 (b)(6)(ii) contemplates includes the use of racial preferences: "Even though an applicant or recipient has never used discriminatory policies, the services and benefits of the program or activity it administers may not in fact be equally available to some racial or nationality groups. In such circumstances, an applicant or recipient may properly give special consideration to race, color, or national origin to make the benefits of its program more widely available to such groups, not then being adequately served. For example, where a university is not adequately serving members of a particular racial or nationality group, it may establish special recruitment policies to make its program better known and more readily available to such group, and take other steps to provide that group with more adequate service." 45 CFR § 80.5 (j) (1977).

This interpretation of Title VI is fully consistent with the statute's emphasis upon voluntary remedial action and reflects the views of an agency (19) responsible for achieving its objectives. (20)

 The box score thus far: certain HEW regulations, which lack statutory authority, support Justice Brennan's interpretation of Title VI; its own language and its legislative history are emphatically against him. He will now invoke congressional and executive action subsequent to the statute's adoption.

[346] The Court has recognized that the construction of a statute by those charged with its execution is particularly deserving of respect where Congress has directed its attention to the administrative construction and left it unaltered. Cf. Red Lion Broadcasting Co. v. FCC, 395 U.S., at 381; Zemel v. Rusk, 381 U.S. 1, 11-12 (1965). *Congress recently took just this kind of action when it considered an amendment to the Departments of Labor and Health, Education, and Welfare appropriation bill for 1978, which would have restricted significantly the remedial use of race in programs funded by the appropriation.*

 * In this example, I agree that Congress "directed its attention to the administrative construction [of Title VI] and left it unaltered." However, an unlawful exercise of administrative authority is not made lawful by Congress' failure to reject it. In a proper division of labor, the laws are made (not adjudicated) by Congress, and adjudicated (not made) by the Court.

The amendment, as originally submitted by Representative Ashbrook, provided that "[none] of the funds appropriated in this Act may be used to initiate, carry out or enforce any program of affirmative action or any other system of quotas or goals in regard to admission policies or employment practices which encourage or require any discrimination on the basis of race, creed, religion, sex or age." 123 Cong. [347] Rec. 19715 (1977). In support of the measure, Representative Ashbrook argued that the 1964 Civil Rights Act never authorized the imposition of affirmative action and that this was a creation of the bureaucracy. Id., at 19722. He explicitly stated, however, that he favored permitting universities to adopt affirmative-action programs giving consideration to racial identity but opposed the imposition of such programs by the Government. Id., at 19715. His amendment was itself amended to reflect this position by only barring the imposition of race-conscious remedies by HEW:

"None of the funds appropriated in this Act may be obligated or expended in connection with the issuance, implementation, or enforcement of any rule, regulation, standard, guideline, recommendation, or order issued by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare which for purposes of compliance with any ratio, quota, or other numerical requirement related to race, creed, color, national origin, or sex requires any individual or entity to take any action with respect to (1) the hiring or promotion policies or practices of such individual or entity, or (2) the admissions policies or practices of such individual or entity." Id., at 19722.

This amendment was adopted by the House. Ibid. The Senate bill, however, contained no such restriction upon HEW's authority to impose race-conscious remedies and the Conference Committee, upon the urging of the Secretary of HEW, deleted the House provision from the bill. (21) More significant for present purposes, however, is the fact that even the proponents of imposing limitations upon HEW's implementation of Title VI did not challenge the right of federally funded educational institutions voluntarily to extend preferences to racial minorities. [348] Finally, congressional action subsequent to the passage of Title VI eliminates any possible doubt about Congress' views concerning the permissibility of racial preferences for the purpose of assisting disadvantaged racial minorities. *It confirms that Congress did not intend to prohibit and does not now believe that Title VI prohibits the consideration of race as part of a remedy for societal discrimination even where there is no showing that the institution extending the preference has been guilty of past discrimination nor any judicial finding that the particular beneficiaries of the racial preference have been adversely affected by societal discrimination.*


* The immediate, practical effect of permitting racial preference as "a remedy for societal discrimination" is to undermine the ban on racial discrimination against whites. For such discrimination is readily rationalized as a remedy for past or present societal discrimination. However, on the same principle, the spread of discrimination against whites operates to rationalize discrimination in their favor. So the ultimate, logical consequence of permitting racial discrimination as a remedy for societal discrimination is to undermine the ban on racial discrimination, no matter whom it targets. When all racial groups have suffered racial discrimination, all can claim the remedy of racial preference.

It is well at this point to remember that Justice Brennan has produced no evidence from Title VII or its legislative history that its proponents meant to undercut its categorical ban on racial discrimination, whomever the target. How much discrimination a later Congress was willing to accept, under the name of affirmative action, is a different story.

Just last year Congress enacted legislation (22). explicitly requiring that no grants shall be made "for any local public works project unless the applicant gives satisfactory assurance to the Secretary [of Commerce] that at least 10 per centum of the amount of each grant shall be expended for minority business enterprises." The statute defines the term "minority business enterprise" as "a business, at least 50 per centum of which is owned by minority group members or, in case of a publicly owned business, at least 51 per centum of the stock of which is owned by minority group members." The term "minority group members" is defined in explicitly racial terms: "citizens of the United States who are Negroes, Spanish-speaking, Orientals, Indians, Eskimos, and Aleuts." Although the statute contains an exemption from this requirement "to the extent that the Secretary determines otherwise," this escape clause was provided only to deal with the possibility that certain areas of the country might not contain sufficient qualified "minority business enterprises" to permit compliance with the quota provisions of the legislation. (23).

The legislative history of this race-conscious legislation reveals that it represents a deliberate attempt to deal with [349] the excessive rate of unemployment among minority citizens and to encourage the development of viable minority controlled enterprises. (24). It was believed that such a "set-aside" was required in order to enable minorities, still "new on the scene" and "relatively small," to compete with larger and more established companies which would always be successful in underbidding minority enterprises. 123 Cong. Rec. 5327 (1977) (Rep. Mitchell). What is most significant about the congressional consideration of the measure is that although the use of a racial quota or "set-aside" by a recipient of federal funds would constitute a direct violation of Title VI if that statute were read to prohibit race-conscious action, no mention was made during the debates in either the House or the Senate of even the possibility that the quota provisions for minority contractors might in any way conflict with or modify Title VI. It is inconceivable that such a purported conflict would have escaped congressional attention through an inadvertent failure to recognize the relevance of Title VI. Indeed, the Act of which this affirmative-action provision is a part also contains a provision barring discrimination on the basis of sex which states that this prohibition "will be enforced through agency provisions and rules similar to those already established, with respect to racial and other discrimination under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964." 42 U. S. C. § 6709 (1976 ed.). Thus Congress was fully aware of the applicability of Title VI to the funding of public works projects. Under these circumstances, the enactment of the 10% "set-aside" for minority enterprises reflects a congressional judgment that the remedial use of race is permissible under Title VI. We have repeatedly recognized that subsequent legislation reflecting an interpretation of an earlier Act is entitled to great weight in determining the meaning of the earlier statute. Red Lion Broadcasting Co. v. FCC, 395 U.S., at 380-381; Erlenbaugh v. United States, 409 U.S. 239, 243-244 (1972). See also United States v. Stewart, 311 U.S. 60, 64-65 (1940). (25).


Having ignored the plain language of the statute and misrepresented or disregarded the abundant, confirming testimony of its proponents, Justice Brennan now seeks the meaning of Title VI in the deliberations of a later Congress. It is as if a traveler, having searched in vain for a nearby street, in broad daylight, with his eyes closed, thinks he can find it by looking in another town, after dark, with his eyes open.

There is no need to ask the Congress of 1977 what the Congress of 1964 was thinking: few statutes are clearer and no Senate debates are longer than those pertaining to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. But the episodes Brennan cites from the later Congress do suggest an important shift in attitude concerning the principle of racial nondiscrimination.

The first episode was an amendment to the Public Works Employment Act of 1977, guaranteeing that at least ten percent of the "articles, materials and supplies" to be procured in each federal grant would be purchased from minority-owned businesses, even if underbid by other firms. It passed the House in February after a short discussion, without significant opposition. The only concern expressed was what would happen in localities where no minority businesses existed. No one mentioned Title VI, or the principle of racial nondiscrimination, or the fact that the amendment clashed with the principle. 123 Cong. Rec. 5327-5322.

The Senate version breezed through in less than ten minutes, with one question and no opposition. Again, there was no mention of Title VI, or the principle of racial nondiscrimination, or the conflict between that principle and racial preference in the bidding process. Ibid., 7156. The amendment's cosponsors included Senators Case and Williams, who in 1964 had both insisted that the Civil Rights Act prohibits racial discrimination against whites no less than nonwhites.

Senator Case had been the Republican floor leader for Title VII, which bars racial discrimination in employment. In a memorandum expounding the bill, he had maintained that, "any deliberate attempt to maintain a racial balance, whatever such a balance may be, would involve a violation of Title VII because maintaining such a balance would require an employer to hire or to refuse to hire on the basis of race. It must be emphasized that discrimination is prohibited as to any individual." 110 Cong. Rec. 7213.

Senator Williams had applied this understanding of the ban on employment discrimination to the Act as a whole. Denying Southern allegations that the bill "favors the Negro at the expense of the white majority," Williams asked: "But how can the language of equality favor one race or one religion over another? . . . There is an absolute absence of discrimination for anyone; and there is an absolute prohibition against discrimination against anyone." Ibid, 8921. [Emphasis added.]

The second episode was a House amendment in June of 1977 to an appropriations bill for the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. The amendment sought to end HEW requirements for race-based ratios or quotas in the hiring or admissions policies of recipients of federal funds.

The amendment passed, after a brief debate, in which three members spoke in favor and eight against. Proponents stressed their opposition to "reverse discrimination," "goals" and "quotas," citing Sen. Humphrey and Justice Douglas in support of their opposition to racial preference. Opponents alleged that the amendment conflicted with an executive order, HEW regulations, and court decisions. 123 Cong. Rec. 19715-19722. No parallel amendment was moved in the Senate. As Justice Brennan reports above at page 347, a House-Senate Conference Committee, at HEW's request, deleted the House provision from the bill.

No one quoted Title VI. The rhetoric of proponents suggested the belief that more votes would be gained by shifting their amendment and their arguments from anti-discrimination to anti-quota. In 1964 a banner was raised passionately, persistently and triumphantly. It read: No Racial Discrimination Against Any Persons in the United States by Institutions Receiving Federal Funds. In 1977, it was fitfully recalled by a few, but forgotten by others. Quite forgotten—unless the refusal by advocates of affirmative action to call it discrimination is an unintended bow to the moral authority of the racial nondiscrimination principle.

Subsequent legislation that contradicts previous legislation may be construed to repeal it. Did the clause providing minority set-asides in government contracts contradict § 601? Probably not, since an enterprise that bids for government business is presumably not a "program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance" under Title VI. Still, one must admit that the set-aside clause is squarely in conflict with the premise that was the logical basis and rhetorical justification of § 601: that the federal government must not finance racial discrimination. For a typical expression of that premise, listen to the Republican floor leader for Title VI, near the end of the Senate debate in 1964:

"Racial discrimination is morally offensive. It has no place in our society. There are limits on how far the Federal Government should go in prohibiting such discrimination by private persons. But surely it has an obligation to see to it that funds of the United States are not used to support, maintain, and promote such discrimination." 110 Cong. Rec. 12677

At any rate, the question before the Bakke Court is what § 601 commands, not whether it was repealed by subsequent legislation. The answer, readily available in more proximate and promising sites, is not to be found in glimpses of later congressional action. After this dead end, Justice Brennan turns to his last head of argument.


Prior decisions of this Court also strongly suggest that Title VI does not prohibit the remedial use of race where such action is constitutionally permissible. In Lau v. Nichols, 414 U.S. 563 (1974), the Court held that the failure of the San [351] Francisco school system to provide English-language instruction to students of Chinese ancestry who do not speak English, or to provide them with instruction in Chinese, constituted a violation of Title VI. The Court relied upon an HEW regulation which stipulates that a recipient of federal funds "may not . . . utilize criteria or methods of administration which have the effect of subjecting individuals to discrimination" or have "the effect of defeating or substantially impairing accomplishment of the objectives of the program as respect individuals of a particular race, color, or national origin." 45 CFR § 80.3 (b)(2) (1977). It interpreted this regulation as requiring San Francisco to extend the same educational benefits to Chinese-speaking students as to English-speaking students, even though there was no finding or allegation that the city's failure to do so was a result of a purposeful design to discriminate on the basis of race.


The problem in Lau was that half of the school's 3500 Chinese students who spoke little or no English were getting no remedial help. The Court held that the school was responsible for assuring all students the opportunity to master English and to understand classroom instruction. Two possible remedies were mentioned, neither of which involved preferential treatment based on national origin. The preferential treatment contemplated (special instruction in English or course instruction in their native language) would be given students because of their ignorance of English, not because they were Chinese. Therefore, it was no precedent for interpreting § 601 to require preferential treatment based on national origin or on race.

The question of discrimination based on national origin might have arisen if special help were given to Chinese but not, say, to Japanese students who spoke no English. But presumably the remedy in such a case would be equal, not preferential, treatment: the same special instruction, regardless of differences in national origin.

Lau is significant in two related respects. First, it indicates that in at least some circumstances agencies responsible for the administration of Title VI may require recipients who have not been guilty of any constitutional violations to depart from a policy of color blindness and to be cognizant of the impact of their actions upon racial minorities. Secondly, Lau clearly requires that institutions receiving federal funds be accorded considerable latitude in voluntarily undertaking race-conscious action designed to remedy the exclusion of significant [352] numbers of minorities from the benefits of federally funded programs. Although this Court has not yet considered the question, presumably, by analogy to our decisions construing Title VII, a medical school would not be in violation of Title VI under Lau because of the serious underrepresentation of racial minorities in its student body as long as it could demonstrate that its entrance requirements correlated sufficiently with the performance of minority students in medical school and the medical profession. (26). It would be inconsistent with Lau and the emphasis of Title VI and the HEW regulations on voluntary action, however, to require that an institution wait to be adjudicated to be in violation of the law before being permitted to voluntarily undertake corrective action based upon a good-faith and reasonable belief that the failure of certain racial minorities to satisfy entrance requirements is not a measure of their ultimate performance as doctors but a result of the lingering effects of past societal discrimination.

We recognize that Lau, especially when read in light of our subsequent decision in Washington v. Davis, 426 U.S. 229 (1976), which rejected the general proposition that governmental action is unconstitutional solely because it has a racially disproportionate impact, may be read as being predicated upon the view that, at least under some circumstances, Title VI proscribes conduct which might not be prohibited by the Constitution. Since we are now of the opinion, for the reasons set forth above, that Title VI's standard, applicable alike to public and private recipients of federal funds, is no broader than the Constitution's, we have serious doubts concerning the correctness of what appears to be the premise of that decision. However, even accepting Lau's implication that impact alone is in some contexts sufficient to establish a prima facie violation of Title VI, contrary to our view that Title VI's definition of racial discrimination is absolutely coextensive with the Constitution's, this would not assist the respondent [353] in the least. First, for the reasons discussed supra, at 336-350, regardless of whether Title VI's prohibitions extend beyond the Constitution's, the evidence fails to establish, and, indeed, compels the rejection of, the proposition that Congress intended to prohibit recipients of federal funds from voluntarily employing race-conscious measures to eliminate the effects of past societal discrimination against racial minorities such as Negroes. Secondly, Lau itself, for the reasons set forth in the immediately preceding paragraph, strongly supports the view that voluntary race-conscious remedial action is permissible under Title VI. *If discriminatory racial impact alone is enough to demonstrate at least a prima facie Title VI violation,* it is difficult to believe that the Title would forbid the Medical School from attempting to correct the racially exclusionary effects of its initial admissions policy during the first two years of the School's operation.

 * The Lau decision depends in part on the doctrine of "discriminatory racial impact": that the ban on racial discrimination in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 also prohibits policies not intended to discriminate if they have unequal racial effects. This doctrine was added to civil rights law by the Court's opinion in Griggs v. Duke Power Co., 401 U.S. 424 (1971), published with rebuttal elsewhere on this website.

The Court has also declined to adopt a "colorblind" interpretation of other statutes containing nondiscrimination provisions similar to that contained in Title VI. We have held under Title VII that where employment requirements have a disproportionate impact upon racial minorities they constitute a statutory violation, even in the absence of discriminatory intent, unless the employer is able to demonstrate that the requirements are sufficiently related to the needs of the job. (27). More significantly, the Court has required that preferences be given by employers to members of racial minorities as a remedy for past violations of Title VII, even where there has been no finding that the employer has acted with a discriminatory intent. (28). Finally, we have construed the Voting Rights Act of 1965, 42 U. S. C. § 1973 et seq. (1970 ed. and Supp. V), which contains a provision barring any voting procedure or qualification that denies or abridges "the right of [355] any citizen of the United States to vote on account of race or color," as permitting States to voluntarily take race into account in a way that fairly represents the voting strengths of different racial groups in order to comply with the commands of the statute, even where the result is a gain for one racial group at the expense of others. (29).

 The proper interpretation of the nondiscrimination command in Title VII I leave to the debate in United Steelworkers v. Weber, 443 U.S. 193 (1979) between the opinion of Justice Brennan and the dissent of Justice Rehnquist, available on this website.

These prior decisions are indicative of the Court's unwillingness to construe remedial statutes designed to eliminate discrimination against racial minorities in a manner which would impede efforts to attain this objective. There is no justification for departing from this course in the case of Title VI and frustrating the clear judgment of Congress that race-conscious remedial action is permissible.


In conclusion, Justice Brennan repeats his fundamental misrepresentation of § 601, using the partial truth that it was "designed to eliminate discrimination against racial minorities" to hide the more complete truth that it prohibits racial discrimination against all persons, white as well as nonwhite.

Nowhere does Justice Brennan deny that the Medical School, a recipient of federal funds, excludes white applicants based on their race. Nowhere does he deny that this policy violates the explicit language of § 601. No evidence is cited from proponents of the statute that it does not mean what it says, nor any evidence that it authorizes racial discrimination against whites to help minorities who are disadvantaged. The citations of HEW regulations and later congressional actions indicate that Justice Brennan is not alone in misrepresenting or rejecting § 601's command. But these citations, as claims to interpret the statute, lack authority when weighed against the statute itself and the deliberations that gave it birth.


7. Section 601 of Title VI provides: "No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance." 42 U. S. C. § 2000d. [return to text]

8. [Footnote 8 and the sentence to which it refers have been omitted.]

9.. "Simple justice requires that public funds, to which all taxpayers of all races contribute, not be spent in any fashion which encourages, entrenches, subsidizes or results in racial discrimination. Direct discrimination by Federal, State or local governments is prohibited by the Constitution. But indirect discrimination, through the use of Federal funds, is just as invidious; and it should not be necessary to resort to the courts to prevent each individual violation. Congress and the Executive have their responsibilities to uphold the Constitution also . . . .

"Many statutes providing Federal financial assistance, however, define with such precision both the Administrator's role and the conditions upon which specified amounts shall be given to designated recipients that the amount of administrative discretion remaining -- which might be used to withhold funds if discrimination were not ended -- is at best questionable. No administrator has the unlimited authority to invoke the Constitution in opposition to the mandate of the Congress. Nor would it always be helpful to require unconditionally -- as is often proposed -- the withdrawal of all Federal funds from programs urgently needed by Negroes as well as whites; for this may only penalize those who least deserve it without ending discrimination.

"Instead of permitting this issue to become a political device often exploited by those opposed to social or economic progress, it would be better at this time to pass a single comprehensive provision making it clear that the Federal Government is not required, under any statute, to furnish any kind of financial assistance -- by way of grant, loan, contract, guaranty, insurance, or otherwise -- to any program or activity in which racial discrimination occurs. This would not permit the Federal Government to cut off all Federal aid of all kinds as a means of punishing an area for the discrimination occurring therein -- but it would clarify the authority of any administrator with respect to Federal funds or financial assistance and discriminatory practices." 109 Cong. Rec. 11161 (1963). [return to text]

10. See, e. g., 110 Cong. Rec. 2732 (1964) (Rep. Dawson); id., at 2481-2482 (Rep. Ryan); id., at 2766 (Rep. Matsunaga); id., at 2595 (Rep. Donahue). [return to text]

11. There is also language in 42 U. S. C. § 2000d-5, enacted in 1966, which supports the conclusion that Title VI's standard is that of the Constitution. Section 2000d-5 provides that "for the purpose of determining whether a local educational agency is in compliance with [Title VI], compliance by such agency with a final order or judgment of a Federal court for the desegregation of the school or school system operated by such agency shall be deemed to be compliance with [Title VI], insofar as the matters covered in the order or judgment are concerned." This provision was clearly intended to avoid subjecting local educational agencies simultaneously to the jurisdiction of the federal courts and the federal administrative agencies in connection with the imposition of remedial measures designed to end school segregation. Its inclusion reflects the congressional judgment that the requirements imposed by Title VI are identical to those imposed by the Constitution as interpreted by the federal courts. [return to text]

12. As has already been seen, the proponents of Title VI in the House were motivated by the identical concern. See remarks of Representative Celler (110 Cong. Rec. 2467 (1964)); Representative Ryan (id., at 1643, 2481-2482); H. R. Rep. No. 914, 88th Cong., 1st Sess., pt. 2, Additional Views of Seven Representatives 24-25 (1963). [return to text]

13. See separate opinion of MR. JUSTICE WHITE, post, at 2795-2796, n. 2. [return to text]

14. These remarks also reflect the expectations of Title VI's proponents that the application of the Constitution to the conduct at the core of their concern—the segregation of Negroes in federally funded programs and their exclusion from the full benefits of such programs—was clear. See supra, at 2770-2772; infra, at 2774-2775, n. 17. [return to text]

15. Testimony of Attorney General Kennedy in Hearings before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary on S. 1731 and S. 1750, 88th Cong., 1st Sess., 398-399 (1963). [return to text]

16. See, e. g., 110 Cong. Rec. 6544, 13820 (1964) (Sen. Humphrey); id., at 6050 (Sen. Javits); id., at 12677 (Sen. Allott). [return to text]

17. Our Brother STEVENS finds support for a colorblind theory of Title VI in its legislative history, but his interpretation gives undue weight to "a few isolated passages from among the thousands of pages of the legislative history of Title VI.* See id., at 6547 (Sen. Humphrey); id., at 6047, 7055 (Sen. Pastore); id., at 12675 (Sen. Allott); id., at 6561 (Sen. Kuchel). These fragmentary comments fall far short of supporting a congressional intent to prohibit a racially conscious admissions program designed to assist those who are likely to have suffered injuries from the effects of past discrimination. In the first place, these statements must be read in the context in which they were made. The concern of the speakers was far removed from the incidental injuries which may be inflicted upon nonminorities by the use of racial preferences. It was rather with the evil of the segregation of Negroes in federally financed programs and, in some cases, their arbitrary exclusion on account of race from the benefits of such programs. Indeed, in this context there can be no doubt that the Fourteenth Amendment does command color blindness and forbids the use of racial criteria. No consideration was given by these legislators, however, to the permissibility of racial preference designed to redress the effects of injuries suffered as a result of one's color. Significantly one of the legislators, Senator Pastore, and perhaps also Senator Kuchel, who described Title VI as proscribing decision making based upon skin color, also made it clear that Title VI does not outlaw the use of racial criteria in all circumstances. See supra, at 2773-2774; 110 Cong. Rec. 6562 (1964). See also id., at 2494 (Rep. Celler). Moreover, there are many statements in the legislative history explicitly indicating that Congress intended neither to require nor to prohibit the remedial use of racial preferences where not otherwise required or prohibited by the Constitution. Representative MacGregor addressed directly the problem of preferential treatment:


"Your mail and mine, your contacts and mine with our constituents, indicates a great degree of misunderstanding about this bill. People complain about racial 'balancing' in the public schools, about open occupancy in housing, about preferential treatment or quotas in employment. There is a mistaken belief that Congress is legislating in these areas in this bill. When we drafted this bill we excluded these issues largely because the problems raised by these controversial questions are more properly handled at a governmental level close to the American people and by communities and individuals themselves. The Senate has spelled out our intentions more specifically." Id., at 15893.

Other legislators explained that the achievement of racial balance in elementary and secondary schools where there had been no segregation by law was not compelled by Title VI but was rather left to the judgment of state and local communities. See, e. g., id., at 10920 (Sen. Javits); id., at 5807, 5266 (Sen. Keating); id., at 13821 (Sens. Humphrey and Saltonstall). See also, id., at 6562 (Sen. Kuchel); id., at 13695 (Sen. Pastore).

Much the same can be said of the scattered remarks to be found in the legislative history of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U. S. C. § 2000e et seq. (1970 ed. and Supp. V), which prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of race in terms somewhat similar to those contained in Title VI, see 42 U. S. C. § 2000e-2 (a)(1) (unlawful "to fail or refuse to hire" any applicant "because of such individual's race, color, religion, sex, or national origin . . . ."), to the effect that any deliberate attempt by an employer to maintain a racial balance is not required by the statute and might in fact violate it. See, e. g., 110 Cong. Rec. 7214 (1964) (Sens. Clark and Case); id., at 6549 (Sen. Humphrey); id., at 2560 (Rep. Goodell). Once again, there is no indication that Congress intended to bar the voluntary use of racial preferences to assist minorities to surmount the obstacles imposed by the remnants of past discrimination. Even assuming that Title VII prohibits employers from deliberately maintaining a particular racial composition in their work force as an end in itself, this does not imply, in the absence of any consideration of the question, that Congress intended to bar the use of racial preferences as a tool for achieving the objective of remedying past discrimination or other compelling ends. The former may well be contrary to the requirements of the Fourteenth Amendment (where state action is involved), while the latter presents very different constitutional considerations. Indeed, as discussed infra, at 2780-2781, this Court has construed Title VII as requiring the use of racial preferences for the purpose of hiring and advancing those who have been adversely affected by past discriminatory employment practices, even at the expense of other employees innocent of discrimination. Franks v. Bowman Transportation Co., 424 U.S. 747, 767-768 (1976). Although Title VII clearly does not require employers to take action to remedy the disadvantages imposed upon racial minorities by hands other than their own, such an objective is perfectly consistent with the remedial goals of the statute. See id., at 762-770; Albemarle Paper Co. v. Moody, 422 U.S. 405, 418 (1975). There is no more indication in the legislative history of Title VII than in that of Title VI that Congress desired to prohibit such affirmative action to the extent that it is permitted by the Constitution, yet judicial decisions as well as subsequent executive and congressional action clearly establish that Title VII does not forbid race-conscious remedial action. See infra, at 2780-2782, and n. 28. [return to text]

18. HEW has stated that the purpose of these regulations is "to specify that affirmative steps to make services more equitably available are not prohibited and that such steps are required when necessary to overcome the consequences of prior discrimination." 36 Fed. Reg. 23494 (1971). Other federal agencies which provide financial assistance pursuant to Title VI have adopted similar regulations. See Supplemental Brief for United States as Amicus Curiae 16 n. 14. [return to text]

19. Moreover, the President has delegated to the Attorney General responsibility for coordinating the enforcement of Title VI by federal departments and agencies and has directed him to "assist the departments and agencies in accomplishing effective implementation." Exec. Order No. 11764, 3 CFR 849 (1971-1975 Comp.). Accordingly, the views of the Solicitor General, as well as those of HEW, that the use of racial preferences for remedial purposes is consistent with Title VI are entitled to considerable respect. [return to text]

20. HEW administers at least two explicitly race-conscious programs. Details concerning them may be found in the Office of Management and Budget, 1977 Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance 205-206, 401-402. The first program, No. 13.375, "Minority Biomedical Support," has as its objectives:


"To increase the number of ethnic minority faculty, students, and investigators engaged in biomedical research. To broaden the opportunities for participation in biomedical research of ethnic minority faculty, students, and investigators by providing support for biomedical research programs at eligible institutions."

Eligibility for grants under this program is limited to (1) four-year colleges, universities, and health professional schools with over 50% minority enrollments; (2) four-year institutions with significant but not necessarily over 50% minority enrollment provided they have a history of encouragement and assistance to minorities; (3) two-year colleges with 50% minority enrollment; and (4) American Indian Tribal Councils. Grants made pursuant to this program are estimated to total $ 9,711,000 for 1977.

The second program, No. 13.880, entitled "Minority Access To Research Careers," has as its objective to "assist minority institutions to train greater numbers of scientists and teachers in health related fields." Grants under this program are made directly to individuals and to institutions for the purpose of enabling them to make grants to individuals. [return to text]

21. H. R. Conf. Rep. No. 95-538, p. 22 (1977); 123 Cong. Rec. 26188 (1977). See H. J. Res. 662, 95th Cong., 1st Sess. (1977); Pub. L. 95-205, 91 Stat. 1460. [return to text]

22. 91 Stat. 117, 42 U. S. C. § 6705 (f)(2) (1976 ed.). [return to text]

23. 123 Cong. Rec. 7156 (1977); id., at 5327-5330. [return to text]

24. See id., at 7156 (1977) (Sen. Brooke). [return to text]

25. In addition to the enactment of the 10% quota provision discussed supra, Congress has also passed other Acts mandating race-conscious measures to overcome disadvantages experienced by racial minorities. Although these statutes have less direct bearing upon the meaning of Title VI, they do demonstrate that Congress believes race-conscious remedial measures to be both permissible and desirable under at least some circumstances. This in turn undercuts the likelihood that Congress intended to limit voluntary efforts to implement similar measures. For example, § 7 (a) of the National Science Foundation Authorization Act, 1977, provides:

 "The Director of the National Science Foundation shall initiate an intensive search for qualified women, members of minority groups, and handicapped individuals to fill executive level positions in the National Science Foundation. In carrying out the requirement of this subsection, the Director shall work closely with organizations which have been active in seeking greater recognition and utilization of the scientific and technical capabilities of minorities, women, and handicapped individuals. The Director shall improve the representation of minorities, women, and handicapped individuals on advisory committees, review panels, and all other mechanisms by which the scientific community provides assistance to the Foundation." 90 Stat. 2056, note following 42 U. S. C. § 1873 (1976 ed.).

Perhaps more importantly, the Act also authorizes the funding of Minority Centers for Graduate Education. Section 7 (c)(2) of the Act, 90 Stat. 2056, requires that these Centers:

 "(A) have substantial minority student enrollment; "(B) are geographically located near minority population centers; "(C) demonstrate a commitment to encouraging and assisting minority students, researchers, and faculty; . . . . "(F) will serve as a regional resource in science and engineering for the minority community which the Center is designed to serve; and "(G) will develop joint educational programs with nearby undergraduate institutions of higher education which have a substantial minority student enrollment."

Once again, there is no indication in the legislative history of this Act or elsewhere that Congress saw any inconsistency between the race-conscious nature of such legislation and the meaning of Title VI. And, once again, it is unlikely in the extreme that a Congress which believed that it had commanded recipients of federal funds to be absolutely colorblind would itself expend federal funds in such a race-conscious manner. See also the Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act of 1976, 45 U. S. C. § 801 et seq. (1976 ed.), 49 U. S. C. § 1657a et seq. (1976 ed.); the Emergency School Aid Act, 20 U. S. C. § 1601 et seq. (1976 ed.). [return to text]

26. Cf. Griggs v. Duke Power Co., 401 U.S. 424 (1971).[return to text]

27. Ibid.; Albemarle Paper Co. v. Moody, 422 U.S. 405 (1975). [return to text]

28. Franks v. Bowman Transportation Co., 424 U.S. 747 (1976); Teamsters v. United States, 431 U.S. 324 (1977). Executive, judicial, and congressional action subsequent to the passage of Title VII conclusively established that the Title did not bar the remedial use of race. Prior to the 1972 amendments to Title VII (Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972, 86 Stat. 103) a number of Courts of Appeals approved race-conscious action to remedy the effects of employment discrimination. See, e. g., Heat & Frost Insulators & Asbestos Workers v. Vogler, 407 F.2d 1047 (CA5 1969); United States v. Electrical Workers, 428 F.2d 144, 149-150 (CA6), cert. denied, 400 U.S. 943 (1970); United States v. Sheetmetal Workers, 416 F.2d 123 (CA8 1969). In 1965, the President issued Exec. Order No. 11246, 3 CFR 339 (1964-1965 Comp.), which as amended by Exec. Order No. 11375, 3 CFR 684 (1966-1970 Comp.), required federal contractors to take affirmative action to remedy the disproportionately low employment of racial minorities in the construction industry. The Attorney General issued an opinion concluding that the race consciousness required by Exec. Order No. 11246 did not conflict with Title VII:

 "It is not correct to say that Title VII prohibits employers from making race or national origin a factor for consideration at any stage in the process of obtaining employees. The legal definition of discrimination is an evolving one, but it is now well recognized in judicial opinions that the obligation of nondiscrimination, whether imposed by statute or by the Constitution, does not require and, in some circumstances, may not permit obliviousness or indifference to the racial consequences of alternative courses of action which involve the application of outwardly neutral criteria." 42 Op. Atty. Gen. 405, 411 (1969).

The federal courts agreed. See, e. g., Contractors Assn. of Eastern Pa. v. Secretary of Labor, 442 F.2d 159 (CA3), cert. denied, 404 U.S. 854 (1971) (which also held, 442 F.2d, at 173, that race-conscious affirmative action was permissible under Title VI); Southern Illinois Builders Assn. v. Ogilvie, 471 F.2d 680 (CA7 1972). Moreover, Congress, in enacting the 1972 amendments to Title VII, explicitly considered and rejected proposals to alter Exec. Order No. 11246 and the prevailing judicial interpretations of Title VII as permitting, and in some circumstances requiring, race-conscious action. See Comment, The Philadelphia Plan: A Study in the Dynamics of Executive Power, 39 U. Chi. L. Rev. 723, 747-757 (1972). The section-by-section analysis of the 1972 amendments to Title VII undertaken by the Conference Committee Report on H. R. 1746 reveals a resolve to accept the then (as now) prevailing judicial interpretations of the scope of Title VII:

 "It is not correct to say that Title VII prohibits employers from making race or national origin a factor for consideration at any stage in the process of obtaining employees. The legal definition of discrimination is an evolving one, but it is now well recognized in judicial opinions that the obligation of nondiscrimination, whether imposed by statute or by the Constitution, does not require and, in some circumstances, may not permit obliviousness or indifference to the racial consequences of alternative courses of action which involve the application of outwardly neutral criteria." 42 Op. Atty. Gen. 405, 411 (1969). [return to text]

29. United Jewish Organizations v. Carey, 430 U.S. 144 (1977). See also id., at 167-168 (opinion of WHITE, J.). [return to text]